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Christopher's Hope belongs to God

Evidence of God's Faithfulness

Luke 1:37

For NOTHING is impossible with God.


Jan Thompson has clung to the Truth of Luke 1:37 since before Christopher's Hope had an orphanage to take children in.  This verse has been a constant reminder that God is the God of impossible things and can take what is overwhelming to us and make it happen right before us.  

God is in the . 

It is no mistake that when Jan found a home to buy that the the street name of that home was called Hope Street,.  God was reminding her that He is doing all the leading.  The house number of that home was #1 Hope Street.  


After many years, the Lord has expanded Christopher's Hope and has provided the means for a second home so more children can be received into the family.  By the grace of God, another home came for sale nearby, just down the street on Hope St.  The number of the house of this second orphanage home is #37 Hope Street.  


God has shown Jan at every step that He is involved with every detail of her work, even down to showing her the evidence of the verse Luke 1:37 by not only by making her a mother to many in Haiti, but proving his intricate involvement to her by giving her two homes for these wonderful children with the house numbers of #1 and #37 on a street called Hope.  

For nothing will be impossible with God.

LUKE 1:37  ESV 

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